Chronic Conditions
Our pediatricians partner with you to manage your chronic health issues such as asthma, diabetes, allergies, anxiety, ADHD. Routine follow-up and care planning can support your child in excellent health.

Research is important!
Here are some resources to get you started…

National Resource Center on ADHD
The National Resource Center on ADHD is a collection of different informative sources that have been scientifically reviewed both in their in-person database in Maryland and their digital resources.

29 Things Only a Person with ADHD Would Understand
A cartoon by Katy Robins illustrates a relatable, yet creative perspective of what a person with ADHD deals with on a day to day basis. This resource is a humorous way to educate how ADHD affects people with crafty anecdotes and examples.

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry is a wealth of resources for including anxiety, autism, bipolar disorder, and more.

Seattle Children’s Hospital is a good start for finding local providers specialized for your child’s needs. This includes in person and online resources.